The People in our Neighborhood

*WARNING: This will be updated after the relevant episode releases. So if you aren’t up-to-date you may find out some upsetting information.

We have met and will meet many significant characters during our journeys.
This is a brief description for them and their current status in the World of Aspara.

  • The Arcanist

    Do-gooder in Zexah that caught the attention of people in power. The Arcanist was the reason Shaft was sent to Zexah. Shaft employed Gozer as his muscle to help bring in the Arcanist. Bryn and Falzaren happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and got roped into helping Shaft get his bounty.


  • Chucky

    Hunch-backed bar boy at the Good Riddance Inn in Zexah. Oh yeah, also the Arcanist. Chucky was delivered to Detmer. RIP, we assume.

    *Deceased? Oh. Oh no.

  • Isabella Goode

    The Doctor of Zexah and owner of a massive bar tab. Learn from Isabella and never buy drinks for Shaft. MAAAaaaaaybe the mastermind behind the goings-on of the cave?

    Elder, and now leader, of Heracleon. Former patron of Falzaren. Sister of Shikara. And so much more.

  • Jolalah

    Barkeep – The Good Riddance Inn in Zexah – Probably wondering what happened to his barboy Chucky

  • Sardos the Magician

    “Magical” crap peddler in Zexah. Well, he was anyway. He was also Bryn’s first major assignment. RIP SardoS

    *Deceased (?)– Dammit Leland!

  • Detmer

    Dwarf Criminal mastermind in Drukhall that gives jobs to Shaft and Bryn. Shaft is his favorite (according to Shaft). Go to the Tickly Servant Inn and tell the dragonborn Frank “Kumquat”.

  • Jel

    Barkeep – The Tickly Servant Inn
    She has had dealings with Shaft and knows better than to believe anything he says. Shaft believes she likes him.

  • Hannah

    Criminal Mastermind in Drukhall that employs the Darklings to do shady things for her. Peer of Detmer and Lag. Owner of the Pussycat Palace. Half lion. Who knew?

  • Hank Applebees

    Enemy of Bryn. Killer of Bryn’s friend. Killer of Krug of Krag. Paladin of Kolstice searching for his amulet that went missing after Bryn and company made a visit to his tower. Surprisingly killed by Falzaran, but not until after Gozer beat him down. The man could really take a punch.


  • Joolvee

    A famous Darkling Bard musician, Joolvee has many albums that are very popular in Aspara. He took on more than he could handle when he decided it would be a good idea to try to sell the IP to some orcs. RIP Joolvee, your musical genius will be missed.

    There is ALWAYS a Joolvee!

  • Prince Charmington III

    Backstabbing, no good, dead beat tabaxi that is no friend of Bryn’s! So she stabbed him. With no warning to Shaft. There seems to be a trend starting.


  • Blugk Blugk of the Ookshad Tribe

    Backstabbing, no good, second-to-Klash orc. And no friend of Gozer. She axed him so no one would know her whereabouts.


  • Wolfgang

    Now knows better than to go panning for gold in the mountains north of Viksher where he and his friend Vixner were chasing dreams and gold rumors when they were captured by a tribe of goblins. Both were able to walk away from the interaction.

    (Played by Patrick Hillier)

  • Thuft

    Beloved Goblin companion that originally was sent with a raiding party from the Mountain to capture the Party to bring back to the Mountain. After seeing Gozer kill the ogre he was with, and many of his other companions, he decided Gozer would now be his king and started following her.

    *Deceased 🙁

  • Komigs the Furious

    Current King of the Mountain. Thuft wants Gozer to defeat him and take over being the king. It’s good to be the king.

  • Roland Rite

    A city guard of Viksher. He isn’t above exchanging a friendly backscratch, if you know what I mean.

    (Played by Pep MacDonald)

  • Nina Dari

    Former love interest of Shaft. Victim of the Viksher “sickness”.

    *Status unknown - mostly

  • Gold Grung

    Leader of the frogman tribe that offered aid to our weary adventurers. They are keeping paladin armor and accessories in case the party ever decides to go back to the Tower Job…or remembers they exist.

  • Blake Lakely

    Mayor of Goldum. He is a very important man, according to him. He has hired the Party, through his contact Detmer the Dwarf, to shut down the blue towers.

  • Mother Celeste

    Cleric of Goldum who heals Gozer and Thuft, reluctantly.

  • Magic! Magic! Magic! owner

    No one knows his name. Names have power, and so does he. His voice reminds me of someone though…

  • Percy the Previous Paladin who Protects against the Pestilence of Pride without Prejudice

    Perhaps, with some Persistence, one can be Persuaded with Prosperity––enough said, I think

    (played by JT)

  • Agnus Felter

    Percy’s travel companion. They met the party in Port Randis and narrowly dodged becoming more involved with them.

    (Played by Adeline Weyland)

  • Orlaine

    A former Paladin of Koltice. She helps the party out of a jam, and keeps them from killing a potential future ally.

    (Played by Adelaide Gardner)

  • Klash Bone Collector

    The ferocious leader of the Ookshad tribe of orcs in the Vorgarag Mountains. Gozer had tried to challenge him to be the chief, but it didn’t end well for her.

    *Status unknown

  • Captain Grimby Chum

    Captain of The Rising Starfish. Also captain of the Rising 2. Also the Rising 3. He has employed members of the party and received aid from them as well. Dare we say he is a friend? Shikara quite fancies him.

  • Brendal

    Falzaren’s oldest and dearest friend. … Falzy sure knows how to pick ’em.

    *Deceased (at least he has so far had the decency to stay dead)

  • Ruegar Alebender

    An member of the Alebender family, out of Drukall. He has a marvelous transforming beer wagon and is searching for his father, who had been searching for the Snow Bloom. A mythical flower that only grows on Mt. Necropolis in the Vorgorag Mountains.

    (Played by Stephen Buonocore)

  • Jessica

    Mysterious third sister of Isabella and Erica. Hangs out in Viksher. Has a couple of friends with her.

  • Horic

    Tobias’ Half-orc friend. Has aided Mia.


  • Killian Van Korian

    Friend and mentor to Tobias. Sounds suspiciously like John Wayne.

  • Alstoff Tinnerman

    Gnome Tinkerer who is known throughout Aspara for his unmatched workmanship. Designed and built Ruegar’s beer wagon. He is also the creator of the things used by Samuel Koltice at the Towers, and the spinny discs that create the city’s shield. He has made certain people very unhappy.

  • Cambel

    Human Alchemist. Owner of The Golden Ichor in Piscis. Friend and family member of Shikara.

  • Erica

    Sea hag, sister to Isabella, nemesis of Falzaren. Raiser of Kraylakeenah. The people of Piscis don’t care for her much. Falzaren was tasked by Isabella to “remove” Erica so he could take her place in the coven.

    *Deceased? Yeah, we know. We know. *Deceased!

  • Tolstoff

    The Infinite Hero! He “defeated” the sea hag Erica, and “destroyed” the Infinite Storm! They are still singing his praises in Piscis. The little coward.


  • Stat’Dorf

    Captian Grimby Chum’s Ettin Oar Master on the Rising 2. Last seen swimming toward Heracleon.

    (Played by Marty Connell & Tony McRee from the Rolling Dice and Taking Names Podcast)

  • Qeck

    A bard with a wonderful lute and a tale to incite…flame broiling…

    (Played by Emma of the Pointless Parrot Podcast) (Unofficial 6th member of the IP)


  • Dendar

    A Primordial higher power that has an association with Shikara and Cambel. Amongst others…

  • Heff (eh)

    Bartender at the Creepy Aura. He allows access to see Tenchi through a secret door located in the restrooms.

    One of the new Elders of Heracleon.

    *In hiding

  • Tenchi

    Merchant for illegal magical goods in Heracheon. He can be found in the Creepy Aura near the Port Heracleon docks. His true love is tattooing.

    One of the new Elders of Heracleon.

    *In hiding

  • Allamar Zelwik

    Elven Elder of Heracleon. No friend to Falzaren. As if the Party didn’t have enough to worry about, they found out he is trying to become a lich. What a jerk.


    *well, actually…stuck in a cane and bound to Falzaren while his body is being inhabited by another old “friend” of the party

  • Geneva Vansk

    Elven Elder of Heracleon. Also a friend of Falzy. Poor guy. Geneva is a no good, dirty, backstabbing piece of crap.


  • Gundar Baskop

    Tabaxi Elder of Heracleon. Taught alchemy. Even though you were a jerk, you were still one of the good ones.


  • Sibil Syblance

    Human Elder of Heracleon. Had a nifty wand. I wonder what happened to that?


  • Keek Sax

    Human Elder of Heracleon. Was one of the good guys… Fs in chat.


  • Janalla

    Librarian at the knowledge center. She likes the books in the back.

    The last of the new Elders of Heracleon.

    *In hiding

  • Dreg Dij

    The Ringbearer. He helped create the Safety Dome that protects the city of Heracleon, and has the only key to move in and out of the city. Dreg is Da Bomb!
    *Member of Shikara’s family

  • Jacqueline Scaleborn

    Citizen of Heracleon that agrees to help.

  • Terry Russell

    Cultist that can’t keep his big mouth shut. You do ONE good deed and regret it for DAYS!

    *presumed dead

  • Thundar McScruggins

    An accidental cultist. He just wanted to find his friend Bryn and profess his love for her. What’s a boy to do? (Played by Matthew Jude of This Game is Broken and Death by Monsters)

  • Sparky

    Shikara’s pseudodragon familiar <3

  • Echol, Hulsa, and Tulsa

    Isabella’s servants/friends. Originally triplets…

    *Hulsa is a member of Shikara’s family.

  • Mullen

    Ally to Allamar. He has one grey speckled eye.

    He is now traveling with Dreg and the party.

    *We forgot about Mullen one too many times. Deceased

  • Samuel Koltice

    The leader of the Paladins of Koltice. The builder of the towers meant to search for …*spoiler in the spoilers*. Kind of a dick.

  • Igna and Coola

    Originally sent by Isabella to be Shikara’s body guards. They had a bit of a falling out and Shikara sent them on a (hopefully) wild goose chase.

    *Igna chose the wrong side. Deceased

  • Mr. Keply

    Owner of a safe storage shop in Drukhall and friend of Shaft. If you need information, Kep has it.

  • Prawn

    Owner of Prawn’s Pawn in Drukhall.

  • Lagg of Roc

    The third and last Crime Boss in Drukhall. Proprietor of The Cliff’s Edge, a tavern/fighting pit where many of Drukhall’s orc and half-orc population congregate. Serving as a safe haven for those that have fled or left the Vorgorag Mountains

  • Do-gooder in Zexah that caught the attention of people in power. The Arcanist was the reason Shaft was sent to Zexah. Shaft employed Gozer as his muscle to help bring in the Arcanist. Bryn and Falzaren happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and got roped into helping Shaft get his bounty.


  • Hunch-backed bar boy at the Good Riddance Inn in Zexah. Oh yeah, also the Arcanist. Chucky was delivered to Detmer. RIP, we assume.

    *Deceased? Oh. Oh no

  • The Doctor of Zexah and owner of a massive bar tab. Learn from Isabella and never buy drinks for Shaft. MAAAaaaaaybe the mastermind behind the goings-on of the cave?

    Elder, and now leader, of Heracleon. Former patron of Falzaren. Sister of Shikara. And so much more.